Sunday, October 11, 2009

Questionnaire Results

After asking a lot of people to complete my questionnaire i got my results:

How are you connected with the school, Victoria College?
68% = "Students".

What name would you like our school magazine to have?
54% said "The Victorian" as it is the traditional name.

What would you like the school magazines front cover to be based on?
This tied on Art and Media at 28% each.

Please state your preferred colour for the front cover........................
71% said "black"

What type of fonts would you like to see on the cover?
57% said "Posh"

What type of surface do you want the cover to be printed on?
69% said "Matt"

How would you like the pictures to be displayed on the front cover?
73% said "On top of each other".

who would you like the magazine cover to be targeted at?
62% said "Students".

How often would you like the magazine to be released?
53% said "Monthly".

If you have read a previous copy of our school magazine please state your ideas on how it can be improved.
most replies suggested that i should make it neater with unusual effects.

from thes results i con know start work on the front cover of my magazine.

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