Sunday, October 11, 2009

Evaluation of My Magazines Pages

I have now completed my front cover and my contents page for the school magazine. I believe that I have completed these to a good ans suitable standard. however if I was given more time I believe that I could of made it look a lot more professional and attractive.

from the real media products that I have studied it is obvious that every single one has a Title, sub title and the date these magazines also have a main image along with smaller images either around or on top of the main one. for my magazine I have used every single one of these conventions. although I got these conventions from analysing music magazine my school magazine is not much different from the previous magazines in my school but in my own opinion I do believe that it is an improvement on them.

I have also stuck to conventions while creating my contents page as my contents page has a masterhead, columns, photographs related to the magazine and division within the contents to try and keep it basic and easy to use as the contents page it one of the most important parts to any magazine.

The images that I have used for my front cover and contents page are of the school and a pupils who attend the school this should influence students and ex-students into reading or at least taking interest into the magazine. The target audience for my magazine is mainly students but some members of the public or people who have relations with the school e.g. parents might enjoy it as they will be able to see what their students actually do at school.

The ways that I have used to attract my target audience is using new technology that has been produced for use in the media. I have used this technology on every part of my magazines. this technology makes my pictures look a lot finer and a lot more interesting to the original versions. this technology also has an effect on the text used on my magazine as the technology has hundreds of fonts to choose from and without these choices the text that I used could of looked out of place compared to the images that I have edited. these minor and in some places massive changes in my magazine attract more people into reading my magazine and i believe that this is one of the main reasons that my magazine will be popular within the school as it has more effects than any of the previous magazine that have been published for the school.

Since I have designed and created my magazine I have improved my skills in cameras as i have now learnt how to create different effects by adjusting the settings and focus settings used. I have also improved my skills in design software e.g. Adobe programs as these are the main programs that I used in creating my magazine.

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