Sunday, October 11, 2009

Creating My Contents Page

1).I imported a photo of doors leading into my school. I then cropped the photo to fit the A4 page and then gave it the "Photocopy" effect which has made it black and white. I then made it a lot brighter and adjusted the contrast so overlapping text would be easy to read.

2).I then added the title which is "Contents" in a "Viner Hand ITC". I also added an extra photo of the tug of war as i used the rope to underline the title.

3).I then added the two text boxes to contain all the information of whats in the magazine and the pages that this information is on. I then linked these text boxes for the text which is in a "Bell MT" font.

4).I then added three photos one of a mascot, one of the school and one of the ski trip. I then feathered the image's edges and placed them at the bottom left.

I crerated the contents page using "Adobe InDesign".

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