Sunday, October 18, 2009


Good research into similar texts. Some good research into audience, but graphs would have improved the analysis of findings. Good use of drafts.



Proficient use of software to construct pages. Good manipulation of images and text. Good evidence of construction. The image of the student on the cover feels a little thrown on, rather than incorporated into the design. The use of the smaller photos on the contents page are a little too faded, but overall it is very good.



A very good attempt to address the seven set questions. Some attempt at critical analysis, although good have more detail in places



83/100 Grade A

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Evaluation of My Magazines Pages

I have now completed my front cover and my contents page for the school magazine. I believe that I have completed these to a good ans suitable standard. however if I was given more time I believe that I could of made it look a lot more professional and attractive.

from the real media products that I have studied it is obvious that every single one has a Title, sub title and the date these magazines also have a main image along with smaller images either around or on top of the main one. for my magazine I have used every single one of these conventions. although I got these conventions from analysing music magazine my school magazine is not much different from the previous magazines in my school but in my own opinion I do believe that it is an improvement on them.

I have also stuck to conventions while creating my contents page as my contents page has a masterhead, columns, photographs related to the magazine and division within the contents to try and keep it basic and easy to use as the contents page it one of the most important parts to any magazine.

The images that I have used for my front cover and contents page are of the school and a pupils who attend the school this should influence students and ex-students into reading or at least taking interest into the magazine. The target audience for my magazine is mainly students but some members of the public or people who have relations with the school e.g. parents might enjoy it as they will be able to see what their students actually do at school.

The ways that I have used to attract my target audience is using new technology that has been produced for use in the media. I have used this technology on every part of my magazines. this technology makes my pictures look a lot finer and a lot more interesting to the original versions. this technology also has an effect on the text used on my magazine as the technology has hundreds of fonts to choose from and without these choices the text that I used could of looked out of place compared to the images that I have edited. these minor and in some places massive changes in my magazine attract more people into reading my magazine and i believe that this is one of the main reasons that my magazine will be popular within the school as it has more effects than any of the previous magazine that have been published for the school.

Since I have designed and created my magazine I have improved my skills in cameras as i have now learnt how to create different effects by adjusting the settings and focus settings used. I have also improved my skills in design software e.g. Adobe programs as these are the main programs that I used in creating my magazine.

The Final Copy of My Contents Page

Creating My Contents Page

1).I imported a photo of doors leading into my school. I then cropped the photo to fit the A4 page and then gave it the "Photocopy" effect which has made it black and white. I then made it a lot brighter and adjusted the contrast so overlapping text would be easy to read.

2).I then added the title which is "Contents" in a "Viner Hand ITC". I also added an extra photo of the tug of war as i used the rope to underline the title.

3).I then added the two text boxes to contain all the information of whats in the magazine and the pages that this information is on. I then linked these text boxes for the text which is in a "Bell MT" font.

4).I then added three photos one of a mascot, one of the school and one of the ski trip. I then feathered the image's edges and placed them at the bottom left.

I crerated the contents page using "Adobe InDesign".

The Layout of My Contents Page

As you can see from the layout of my contents page above it includes:

A title.
A main image covering the whole page.
Two text boxes which are linked together and will include the magazines information.
A space at the bottom right to contain a few images of the school and students.

This layout is very basic and easy to read as i believe that it is a lot easier to find something in a magazine if the contents page is basic and easy to read.

The Final Copy of My Front Cover

Creating My Front Cover

1). I imported a photo of my school from a angle cropped it to size so it would fit the whole of my front cover and i then gave it the "Glowing Edges" effect.

2). I then added the second image which was of a pupil going to the school and cropped it to only the person. I then gave it the "Dry Brush" effect.

3).I then added the title which is "The Victorian" in the "Algerian" font which i then coloured yellow.

4).I then added the sub title which was "Celebrating Excellence" in the "Britannic Bold" font and coloured it yellow.

5). I then added the second sub title which is "2009 - 2010" in a "Algerian" font which is also coloured yellow.

I created my front cover using "Adobe Photoshop"

The Layout of My Front Cover

As you con see from the layout of my front cover above "The Title" will be placed at the very top of the page and in the centre. The "Sub Title" will then be placed only a few centimetres below and aligned the left hand side. The second "Sub Title" will be placed at the bottom of the page and will be in the centre. The main iage of my ,magazine will be cropped to fit the whole page and will be behind everything else. The second image will be at the bottom left and above the main image but below everything else.

Questionnaire Results

After asking a lot of people to complete my questionnaire i got my results:

How are you connected with the school, Victoria College?
68% = "Students".

What name would you like our school magazine to have?
54% said "The Victorian" as it is the traditional name.

What would you like the school magazines front cover to be based on?
This tied on Art and Media at 28% each.

Please state your preferred colour for the front cover........................
71% said "black"

What type of fonts would you like to see on the cover?
57% said "Posh"

What type of surface do you want the cover to be printed on?
69% said "Matt"

How would you like the pictures to be displayed on the front cover?
73% said "On top of each other".

who would you like the magazine cover to be targeted at?
62% said "Students".

How often would you like the magazine to be released?
53% said "Monthly".

If you have read a previous copy of our school magazine please state your ideas on how it can be improved.
most replies suggested that i should make it neater with unusual effects.

from thes results i con know start work on the front cover of my magazine.

My Questionnaire

My Target Audience

for my magazine to be a success i have to aim it at a specific group of people (a target audience). to determine who my target audience will be i have created a questionnaire which you can see above. this questionnaire should help me layout and structure my magazine.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Backside Tours Surf Camp Magazine

This surfing Magazine is obviously targeted at surfer from any gender but at a young age as all of the pictures on the front cover are of young surfers. The layout of this Magazine is very simple as the main image takes up the whole page with a few smaller images place on top of the left side. The text is very simple as there is the title of the magazine at the top of the page and some information about it at the bottom.

Loyolite School Magazine

The loyolite school Magazine is targeted at students going to that school and from looking at the image on the front page its more of a boys magazine. the layout of this magazine is very basic and similar to the school magazine that we have to create. The base colour is grey/white with an image of students from the school. there is hardly any text used for Loyolites front cover as the only text is the title at the top and the year at the bottom.

Q Magazine

For the front cover of Q Magazine it is obvious that the target audience is men. This is not only obvious because of Lilly Allen topless but also because all the bands listed on this page are made up of male singers. The front cover is very attractive as it involves two lions and Lilly Allen topless which tends to attract men. This Magazine has decided to scatter its information all over the front page. The magazines logo is at the top left and the bands inside are listed at the top left along with Lilly Allen's name in the middle.

Top Gear

from looking at the image for the front page of this top gear magazine i believe that it is targeted to young adults and middle aged men. the image is very unusual as there are three supercars and the stig in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by snow. like the school magazine that we will have to design there are two main pieces of text on the cover which are the title and a description of whats inside e.g "SUPERCARS ON ICE!!".

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The blender magazine below has a main image of Tila Tequila. This is the main clue to the target audience as it is obvious that men are attracted to hot girls so in theory men should be attracted to this magazine. Another pull factor to this magazine is the text. Although there is a lot of text for a front cover the designer has cunningly used coloured writing so the magazine should stand out from the other mags on the shelf. This text has also been positioned around and behind the main image/attraction to make it stand out.

Blender magazine